
Pegaxy is a blockchain and NFT-based horse racing game with Pega horses through a player vs player format. Each Pega will be put into races of the same class, and before the race begins, each player has 60 seconds to access track variables and put gear on the Pega to increase their racing potentials. Each player can purchase or rent a single Pega from marketplace to start racing.

How to earn Pegaxy VIS tokens?

For each race, the top 3 placements out of 12 will receive VIS tokens. Each scholar can race up to 3 Pegas each day. Each Pega can join 25 races a day (approximately 1 hour).

How to earn and use Pegacy PGX tokens?

PGX tokens (Pegaxy Stone) are used for purchasing Pega on the marketplace. Pega Owners can lend out its Pega on the marketplace to earn additional PGX. With the PGX tokens earned, owners can breed new Pegas. This cycle creates more Pega on the community for scholars to use and compete, increasing everyone’s chance to earn income.

As a scholar, PGX tokens can be earned or used in staking or large tournaments.

Scholarship program

As mentioned above, scholars can rent a Pega from marketplace to start racing. However, the cost to rent Pega is increasing and the entry barrier to play is getting harder day by day. Therefore, within our DAO community, chosen scholars will be given access to our Pega Archive to start racing.

We will lend out our Pegas to potential scholars to play, and scholars can get a share of up to 60% from profit sharing (Highest reward!). This allows more users to join the Pegacy Community without any cost from their wallet. At this moment, we offer the highest payout comparing to other DAOs, and this is because we want to attract the best talents to utilize our Pegas.

We will hold interviews bi-weekly to select potential scholars to join our DAO through our Discord Platform. After successfully passing this interview stage, each scholar will be given a Pega to play.

Breeding Pegaxy

In Pegaxy, each Pega can be bred up to 7 times before it is sterile. Each player can breed their own Pegas with VIS and PGX tokens. However, the VIS cost increases drastically each time a Pega increases its breedcount. Therefore, it is not possible for a single player to keep breeding unless they are “crypto heavy”.

AlphaDao’s objective is simple. We have a breeding specialist for breeding offspring within AlphaDao. This will strengthen our Pega portfolio and give our scholars the best asset to win. At the same time, we plan to breed Pegas to sell on marketplace, using the revenue generated to create more scholarship positions and buy more Pegas on marketplace for future breeding. This cycle is important to AlphaDAO because we believe the best assets can assist scholars to reach their full potential.

The prices of Pegas also fluctuate drastically. If a Pega reaches a certain price, AlphaDAO will consider to sell it and use the PGX generated to invest in new Pegas and scholarships.

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